Sunday 3 January 2010


Miss Liv Kohlberger (aka Bubba Livy Lou Lou) arrived Christmas Day at 18 minutes past 4pm, weighing 8 pounds 9 oz (3906grams) and measuring 54cm with 36 cm head circumference - to proud parents Ky and Kon!
Remember this pic from a previous post? Well this is the mumma Kylie K (aka Bubba Louie!)
And this is Kylie with Konrad's little God son saying "Hi Baby" just a few days before Liv made her entrance into the world.Here's a weary mumma and happy healthy baby girl.
Check out those scrummy little chubby cheeks - she's just like mumma was when she was born, but a pound or two lighter! (Maree You Are a Legend!)
A cuddle from Dadda.All cleaned up and tucked into the hospital crib.All prettied up and ready to go home.
Now check out the pic below, here's Kylie with my two little blonde bombshells with baby Kylie, gotta be 30ish years ago. The genes are strong in the Kenchington line, it's a look into the future for Liv I think! Time will tell, I'm sure Kon can see some family resemblance too :)

Adam Steve Kylie & Icecream!

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