Monday 12 September 2011


Yep, I'm still here and still upright - just :)
I've been sick, too sick to even blog. My shed burned down.
 I've been to Sydney and climbed the bridge.
  I'm home and back at work and feeling pretty good again. 
My roots need a serious touch up. 
 I should never have my photo taken without make-up
My old besty gave me hugs and made me feel better. 
Life's OK!

I'm on staff devotion this week and would like to share my devotional, working on a  positive attitude!

Psalms 34:1 I will bless the LORD at all times: his praise shall continually be in my mouth.

There once was a woman who woke up one morning, looked in the mirror, and saw that she had only three hairs on her head. "Great," she said, "I think I'll braid my hair today."

So she did, and had a wonderful day.

The next day she woke up, looked in the mirror and saw that she had only two hairs on her head. "Hmm," she said, "I guess I'll part my hair down the middle."

So she did, and had a wonderful day.

The next day she woke up, looked in the mirror and saw that she had only one hair left on her head.

"Wow," she said, "today I get to wear my hair in a pony tail." So she did, and had a wonderful, wonderful day.

The next day she woke up, looked in the mirror and saw that there wasn't a single hair on her head.

"Thank God!" she exclaimed. "I was running out of things to do with my hair!"

ATTITUDE is everything! Let's be grateful for the things God has given us and have a wonderful day!

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