Saturday 17 July 2010


The basics of bowling haven't really changed over the years and...

Everyone has their own style - Baie is left handed and can swing with one arm.Tulle swings from the right but needs two hands - she is just a wee little thing!

Rori needs the help of her sisters and the "roll the ball down the thingy thing"A little bit of advice from her big sister
and away she goes!
One thing that has changed are the shoe styles - so cute these days!!

Tulle knocked down 8 pins!!!

And was EXCITED - YAY YAY YAY!!!Baie got a spare,
And was very very excited YAY YAY!!
Rori Bear only needed assistance for a little while - concentrating very well and.....
STR I KE!!!!!

Yep, that's Rori showing how excited she was - YAY (I think)! "What's a strike Nan?"Dad came along with some words of "Wisdom"

It was fun so we decided on game 2 with me Steve & Baie.

Allan didn't want to play but thought he would help Steve out and

....bowl two gutter balls (hee hee),

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