Monday 19 April 2010

The Fox Wedding

It was a fun and funky wedding on a hot March day!
The bride arrived in a gorgeous blue corvette

The fun started during the ceremony!

My little sister is soooo cute.
OK not that cute - this is my time kid sister!
Dad, could you come and get this kid?
She's stealing my thunder!!

Mr & Mrs Fox

The funky bits.....

Really cute name place jars full of toffees.The wishing well.
And the Funky cake.

There the funk ended, the reception room was very elegant.As was the bridal waltz.

We even managed a quick snap or two, to prove we were really there!

1 comment:

Sherry said...

I love your family photos! (Miss the tush photos during the house construction though.) ;o)

We received news yesterday that Sam's son's girlfriend will have a baby November 23. He said that they had some news. OH! Getting married! No...having a baby. Still good news...they just got the cart before the horse.

Anyway, Sam's first grandchild. Sam is 74. His son is 31.

So. I've got to do some serious thinking about which 'grandmother' name I want to be called.