Thursday 14 January 2010

The Good Mayor

That was the headline to the photo that appeared in the Advertiser on Wednesday! Along with "How Mount's No 1 Citizen saved a holiday.

On Monday Steve and Jaime came to the rescue of Marina and Edgar, tourists from Columbia after their car broke down about 5km from town - near the Barn Palais on a 40 degree day!!! They ended up at the motel that Jaime works for and the story goes from there. They arranged to pick them up next day and took them to see the sights of Mt Gambier, to the Tantanoola Caves then down to us for a meal.

They were thrilled to be experiencing Aussie hospitality - that's if the Muchas Gracias that came every 30 seconds was any testament :)
Marina and Edgar enjoyed our typical Aussie BBQ, even though we ate inside as it had cooled off (thankfully!).

This was then followed by a treat for us all - a chocolate fountain where we dipped marshmallows, fruits and sweets into hot flowing chocolate.

So between mouthfuls of chocolate, Spanish and English...........We managed to communicate..........
Quite well! (It was a good chance to brush up on some very rusty Spanish!)
Isn't it funny that Chocolate is Chocolate in any language!!! Most of us also ended up with chocolated coated tee shirts!
When Marina and Edgar arrived in Adelaide they contacted the Advertiser and they ran the story of "The Good Mayor"! The final paragraph in the newspaper reads, "The travellers, who have been holidaying in Australia for just over a month, said they could not believe the generosity." With Marina adding that people in Colombia were more cautious. "We just want to say thank you very much." That would be MUCHAS MUCHAS GRACIAS!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Queridos Cherry, Alan y Ron
Hoy leimos en casa de Juan Manuel (mi hijo) lo que escribieron.
Nos causo alegria. Queremos recordarles la invitacion a Colombia.
Siempre estaran en nuestro corazon.

Luego les compartimos las fotos nuestras.

Luz Marina y Edgar.